Entregan dos viviendas en Bonanza a familias que perdieron todo en incendio


Dos viviendas reconstruidas totalmente fueron entregadas por el Gobierno Municipal de Bonanza en la Region Autónoma de la Costa caribe Norte, a dos habitantes del barrio Jorge Dimitrov que perdieron todos sus pertenencias en un incendio.

El alcalde Alexander Alvarado Lam, entrego las dos viviendas a Rosibel Davis Miguel y a Rolando Davis Jacobo, en un emotivo acto.

El Gobierno municipal de Bonanza y el SINAPRED realizaron una inversión de 259 mil 330.58 córdobas.

Two homes in Bonanza delivered to families who lost everything in fire

Two totally reconstructed houses were handed over by the Municipal Government of Bonanza in the Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast, to two inhabitants of the Jorge Dimitrov neighborhood who lost all their belongings in a fire.

Mayor Alexander Alvarado Lam, gave the two houses to Rosibel Davis Miguel and Rolando Davis Jacobo, in an emotional act.

The Bonanza municipal government and SINAPRED made an investment of 259 thousand 330.58 cordobas.

Comunicador/a Intercultural

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