Defensa dice que investigados no mataron a pililuca en Rosita


Fulgencio Velásquez abogado defensor de Wilber Torres Urbina y Gesabel Jarquin acusados por homicidio en contra José Miguel Lara Ortiz conocido como pililuca, en Rosita dijo que sus dos defendidos no participaron en el crimen.

Velásquez dijo que sus defendidas fueron presentadas la tarde de hoy como presuntos autores del homicidio, sin embargo, en una audiencia celebrada la mañana de hoy el juez de audiencias determinó

Para el abogado y tomando en consideración investigación de la familia de los acusados y la defensa consideran que los dos acusados no cometieron el crimen, sin embargo, la Policía y el Ministerio Publico mantienen que ellos son los responsables y vamos a demostrar que eso no es así.

“Lamentamos que haya una persona muerta y un lesionado y lamentamos que la policía se haya apresurado a presentarlo como autores del crimen ya que debieron hacer na investigación más profunda” afirmó el defensor.

Los dos fueron detenidos el 1 de agosto, según la acusación ellos son los autores del crimen.

Defense says that investigated did not kill pililuca in Rosita

Fulgencio Velásquez defense attorney for Wilber Torres Urbina and Gesabel Jarquin accused of murder against José Miguel Lara Ortiz known as pililuca, in Rosita said that his two defendants did not participate in the crime.

Velásquez said that his defendants were presented today as alleged perpetrators of the murder, however, in a hearing held this morning the hearing judge determined

For the lawyer and taking into consideration the investigation of the family of the accused and the defense, they consider that the two accused did not commit the crime, however, the Police and the Public Ministry maintain that they are responsible and we will demonstrate that this is not So.

«We regret that there is a dead person and an injured person and we regret that the police have rushed to present him as perpetrators of the crime since they had to carry out a more in-depth investigation,» said the defender.

The two were arrested on August 1, according to the accusation, they are the authors of the crime.

Comunicador/a Intercultural

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