Gobierno entregará esta semana 70 mil bonos a bachilleres


El Gobierno Sandinista a través del Ministerio de Educación iniciará esta semana la entrega de los bonos complementarios a unos 70 mil bachilleres a nivel nacional, así lo informó este lunes Salvador Vanegas asesor presidencial en temas educativos.

El bono servirá como apoyo a los estudiantes que salen de secundaria para que puedan utilizarlos en los gastos de las promociones.

La entrega se realizará de manera simultánea por departamentos y regiones, en todo el país, cumpliendo las medidas de higienes, para resguardar el cuido y salud de los estudiantes y sus familias.

Government will deliver 70 thousand bonds to high school graduates this week

The Sandinista Government, through the Ministry of Education, will begin this week the delivery of complementary bonds to some 70,000 high school graduates nationwide, as reported on Monday by Salvador Vanegas, presidential advisor on educational issues.

The voucher will serve as support for students leaving high school so that they can use it to pay for promotions.

The delivery will be made simultaneously by departments and regions, throughout the country, complying with hygiene measures, to protect the care and health of students and their families.

Comunicador/a Intercultural

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