Matan a comunicador en el Cuá Bocay


El comunicador William Yasir Gonzales Jarquin, fue ultimado la noche de ayer luego de una discusión con dos personas en el municipio del Cuá, departamento de Jinotega.

Jarquin trabajo muchos años en Bonanza, en el Gobierno Municipal de ese municipio y luego en Siuna donde laboro en el canal 28 y en el restaurante las praderas, del municipio de Siuna.

En el Cua Bocay, William Jarquin trabajaba como colaborador del canal 4 de televisión nacional.

Las autoridades policiales de Nicaragua en un comunicado expresaron que Aldin Ariel Ballestero de 24 años y Harvin Toruño Zeledón, agredieron a William Yasir Gonzales Jarquin con arma blanca ocasionándole la muerte.

Aldin Ariel Ballestero fue detenido y también se le ocupó el arma homicida, en tanto están en la búsqueda de Harvin Toruño.

Así mismo las autoridaes indicaron que el médico del hospital cola indicó que Jarquin Gonzales murió a causa de un Schook hipovolémico.

Communicator killed in Cua Bocay

The communicator William Yasir Gonzales Jarquin, was finalized yesterday night after a discussion with two people in the municipality of the Cua, department of Jinotega.

Jarquin worked many years in Bonanza, in the Municipal Government of that municipality and then in Siuna where he worked on channel 28 and in the restaurant Las Praderas, in the municipality of Siuna.

At Cua Bocay, William Jarquin worked as a collaborator for national television channel 4.

Nicaraguan police authorities in a statement said that 24-year-old Aldin Ariel Ballestero and Harvin Toruño Zeledón attacked William Yasir Gonzales Jarquin with a white weapon, killing him.

Aldin Ariel Ballestero was arrested and his murder weapon was also seized, while they are in search of Harvin Toruño.

Likewise, the authorities indicated that the tail hospital doctor indicated that Jarquin Gonzales died from a hypovolemic Schook.

The communicator William Yasir Gonzales Jarquin, was finalized last night after a discussion with two people in the municipality of Cua, department of Jinotega.

Jarquin worked for many years in Bonanza, in the municipal government of that municipality and then in Siuna, where he worked on channel 28 and at the restaurant Las Praderas, in the municipality of Siuna.

At Cua Bocay, William Jarquin worked as a collaborator for the national television channel 4.

Nicaraguan police authorities in a statement said that Aldin Ariel Ballestero and Harvin Toruño Zeledón, 24, attacked William Yasir Gonzales Jarquin with a white weapon and killed him.

Aldin Ariel Ballestero was arrested and his murder weapon was also seized, while they search for Harvin Toruño.

Likewise, the authorities indicated that the tail of the hospital doctor indicated that Jarquin Gonzales died of a hypovolemic Schook.

Comunicador/a Intercultural

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