17 casos menos de Covid 19 reporta MINSA esta semana


17 caso menos de Covid 19 reporta en la semana del 4 al 11 de agosto, con relación a la semana anterior lo que muestra una disminución de casos positivos en el país.

El Ministerio de Salud de Nicaragua reporta 213 casos de COVID 19 en la última semana, en su acostumbrado reporte semanal a la nación.  

La Ministra de Salud, Dra. Martha Verónica Reyes Álvarez dio a conocer que 159 personas que estaban en seguimiento responsable y cuidadoso, han cumplido con el período establecido.

La ministra de salud dijo que en Nicaragua se han atendido hasta hoy y dado seguimiento responsable y cuidadoso a 3 mil 413 personas y continúan trabajando para dar atención a las familias nicaragüenses.

La Ministra de salud detallo que las personas que han estado en seguimiento responsable y cuidadoso por COVID-19, con frecuencia han tenido padecimientos asociados con hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, obesidad, enfermedades cardíacas, síndrome de inmunodeficiencia, insuficiencia renal crónica, antecedentes de accidentes cerebrovasculares, tuberculosis pulmonares y enfermedades pulmonares crónicas.

En esta semana hubo cinco fallecidos atribuibles a COVID-19 y se presentaron otros fallecimientos en personas que han estado en seguimiento, debido a tromboembolismo pulmonar, diabetes, infarto agudo de miocardio, crisis hipertensivas y neumonías bacterianas.

17 fewer cases of Covid 19 reported by MINSA this week

17 fewer cases of Covid 19 reported in the week of August 4 to 11, compared to the previous week, which shows a decrease in positive cases in the country.

The Nicaraguan Ministry of Health repairs 213 cases of COVID 19 confirmed in the last week, in its customary weekly report to the nation.

The Minister of Health, Dr. Martha Verónica Reyes Álvarez announced that 159 people who were under responsible and careful monitoring have complied with the established period.

The health minister said that in Nicaragua, 3,413 people have been treated and monitored carefully and responsibly, and they continue to work to provide care for Nicaraguan families.

The Minister of Health detailed that people who have been under responsible and careful monitoring for COVID-19, have often had conditions associated with high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, obesity, heart disease, immunodeficiency syndrome, chronic kidney failure, history of accidents cerebrovascular disease, pulmonary tuberculosis and chronic lung diseases.

This week there were five deaths attributable to COVID-19 and other deaths occurred in people who have been under follow-up, due to pulmonary thromboembolism, diabetes, acute myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis and bacterial pneumonia.

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