Palabras de Brenda Rocha Chacón en Tribunal Popular Internacional


Buenos días hermanos y hermanas del Tribunal Popular Internacional.

Ante todo, agradecer el espacio de dar a conocer las agresiones que hemos vivido el Pueblo de Nicaragua a lo largo de la historia por parte de los gobiernos de Estados Unidos, pretendiendo someternos, violentando nuestra soberanía y nuestra Dignidad.

Mi nombre Brenda Isabel Rocha Chacón, originaria de Bonanza, Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Norte, Municipio dedicado a la extracción de oro. Con presencia e identidad de Población Mayagna, Miskitos, mestizos y afrodescendientes. Este Municipio tiene comunidades fronterizas con Honduras. Una de ellas es la comunidad de Musawas, a lo largo de esta frontera en los años 80 se habían organizado grupos de contrarevolucionarios conformadas de ex guardias somocistas, con campamentos y armas que los financiaba el gobierno de Estados Unidos.

En 1982 teniendo 15 años ingrese a las milicias populares, porque como pueblo teníamos que organizarnos para defendernos, ante los constantes ataques en la frontera.

En Julio de 1982 fuimos movilizados a varios puntos económicos del Municipio, se tenía conocimiento que la contrarevolucion pretendía atacar puntos del pueblo y no se sabía cuál, por ello se distribuyeron varios grupos a diferentes puntos cerca de la fecha del aniversario de la Revolución Popular Sandinista el 19 de Julio.

Nuestra Escuadra nos tocó la comunidad del Salto Grande, que es una Represa Hidroeléctrica que da energía al pueblo; queda a pocos kilómetros del Municipio de Bonanza. Esta Comunidad está cerca de la comunidad de Musawas frontera directa con Honduras.

Como pasamos en la trinchera el 19 de Julio, habíamos acordado hacerles una actividad a los niños y niñas de la comunidad, el 24 de Julio por la mañana fuimos al pueblo de Bonanza a traer piñatas y caramelos, Rene, Aaron y yo.

Regresando de Bonanza cerca de las 5 de la tarde, ese Sábado 24 de Julio de 1982, 8 milicianos estábamos en la Represa el Salto Grande, Cristina Rugama, René Hoey Díaz, Arístides Cruz Rugama, Lázaro Ochoa, Ramón Mendiola, José Xenón, Aaron Toledo y yo.

René Hoey, (con su fusil al hombro) grita 22/22 señal de ir cada uno a su trinchera, Aarón joven de 15 años igual que yo, me llega a avisar que hay alerta 22/22, porque yo en ese momento estaba en la casa vecina, cuando yo salgo solo veo a René con su fusil al hombro (caminando a prisa a pesar de tener impedimento en su pierna por la polio) y a Zeron evacuando a la capilla a los últimos pobladores de la comunidad, yo sin sentir temor o sospechar lo que iba a suceder, entre todavía a la casa donde dormíamos, saque más municiones, René vuelve a gritar todos a sus puestos. Llegue a mi punto Junto a Cristina Rugama la otra compañera de la escuadra y don Ramón Mendiola, les pregunto, ¿Que está pasando? Me contesta doña Cristina al parecer hoy atacaran aquí, pone tu arma lista a disparar (sin saber que ya estábamos rodeados). En eso la primera ráfaga.

5:30 de la tarde del 24 de Julio de 1982 inicia el Combate, una tarde nublada , triste, más de cien hombres armados contra 8 Milicianos defendiendo la Represa Hidroeléctrica, nos gritaban que nos rindiéramos, nadie se rindió, rodeados totalmente, fueron matando uno a uno primero a Rene, después a Zeron, después le dieron a Don Ramon que estaba a lado mío, después a doña Cristina, yo les hablaba creyendo que estaban vivos, de repente siento un calor en mi cuerpo, me habían disparado en las piernas, yo estaba apuntando hacia el cerro, donde ellos, los contra tenían con un fusil que solo tiraba en ráfaga, sin saber que atrás también estaba otra tropa de ellos, cruzando el rio, nos tenían totalmente rodeados, cuando yo siento el calor en mi cuerpo, me volteo y me veo ensangrentada, tengo el fusil enconchado, o sea trabado que no logro disparar más, le grito a Aaron, Aaron me dieron, quédate tranquila me dice, quiero seguir disparando y me dan en el brazo derecho, eso fue peor el calor que sentí en el cuerpo, me acomodo en la trinchera y me doy vuelta boca arriba, de repente se escuchó un estallido, era una granada que le tiraron a don Lázaro y Arístides, quedando desbaratados.

Los escucho que vienen bajando del cerro y los otros que vienen cruzando el rio, llegan donde Rene y Zeron, los patean y todavía le pasan una navaja en el cuello, los veo que vienen hacia donde mí, andaban uniformes camuflados, se veían nuevos, bien armados, gritaban los matamos, los matamos, se acercan donde doña Cristina la patean e igual le pasan la navaja en la garganta, le abren la camisa y le cortan sus bustos, cuando llegan donde mí, yo estoy totalmente ensangrentada, y lo que hice fue contener la respiración, para que creyeran que estaba muerta, me patean, me dolía todo el cuerpo, me contuve, en eso alguien grito, viene el refuerzo, vámonos, y salieron sobre el río. Cuando van pasando frente a mi veo que llevan a Aaron, vivo, desnudo y amarrado, a él lo encontraron más adelante torturado ya muerto. Ellos salieron hacia Musawas y de ahí cruzaron otra vez la frontera hacia Honduras.

Yo me quede ahí quieta, con el miedo que regresaran, no sé si me desmaye y volví, me dio sed empecé a arrastrarme de lado, me dolían mis heridas, en ese momento uno de la comunidad ve que hay alguien moviéndose, me llevaron hasta la capilla, ellos dándome primeros auxilios, después me trasladaron al hospital de Bonanza, al día siguiente me trasladaron hacia Managua, en el hospital de Managua hacen lo imposible por salvarme el brazo derecho, tenía 14 orificios, pero no lograron salvarlo, me lo amputaron, los Doctores tratando de explicar el porqué de la amputación para salvarme la vida, y yo les dije, mi brazo solo es algo pequeño para las vidas que ofrendaron los 7 compañeros, todos murieron solo yo quede viva, ver morir a cada compañero es un dolor que no se va, está ahí, duele, duele, dejaron hijos, mamas, esposas, familias, por una guerra injusta, una guerra impuesta, que lo que estábamos haciendo ahí era cuidando nuestro Municipio, nuestra Patria. Mas de cien hombres bien armados contra 8 personas. Aquí estoy dando testimonio por esos 6 hombres y esa mujer que murieron por esa guerra impuesta, dañina, guerra injusta contra un Pueblo que ama la Paz.

Brenda Isabel Rocha Chacón

Words by Brenda Rocha Chacón at the International People’s Court

Good morning brothers and sisters of the International People’s Tribunal.

First of all, thank you for the space to publicize the aggressions that the People of Nicaragua have experienced throughout history by the governments of the United States, pretending to submit to us, violating our sovereignty and our Dignity.

My name is Brenda Isabel Rocha Chacón, originally from Bonanza, Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast, a municipality dedicated to gold mining. With the presence and identity of the Mayagna Population, Miskitos, mestizos and Afro-descendants. This Municipality has border communities with Honduras. One of them is the community of Musawas, along this border in the 1980s groups of counterrevolutionaries made up of former Somocista guards had been organized, with camps and weapons financed by the United States government.

In 1982, when I was 15 years old, I joined the popular militias, because as a people we had to organize ourselves to defend ourselves against the constant attacks on the border.

In July 1982 we were mobilized to various economic points of the Municipality, it was known that the counterrevolution intended to attack points of the town and it was not known which one, for this reason various groups were distributed to different points close to the date of the anniversary of the Sandinista Popular Revolution. on July 19.

Our Squad touched the community of Salto Grande, which is a Hydroelectric Dam that gives energy to the town; It is a few kilometers from the Municipality of Bonanza. This community is close to the community of Musawas, the direct border with Honduras.

As we spent in the trenches on July 19, we had agreed to do an activity for the children of the community, on July 24 in the morning we went to the town of Bonanza to bring piñatas and candies, Rene, Aaron and me.

Returning from Bonanza around 5 in the afternoon, that Saturday, July 24, 1982, 8 militiamen were at the Salto Grande Dam: Cristina Rugama, René Hoey Díaz, Arístides Cruz Rugama, Lázaro Ochoa, Ramón Mendiola, José Xenón, Aaron Toledo and me.

René Hoey, (with his rifle on his shoulder) yells 22/22, a signal to each go to his trenches, Aarón, a 15-year-old young man like me, comes to warn me that there is an alert 22/22, because at that moment I was in the neighboring house, when I go out I only see René with his rifle on his shoulder (walking quickly despite having an impediment in his leg due to polio) and Zeron evacuating the last residents of the community to the chapel, I without feeling afraid or suspect what was going to happen, still go into the house where we were sleeping, take out more ammunition, René shouts everyone back to their posts. I got to my point Together with Cristina Rugama, the other teammate and Don Ramón Mendiola, I ask them, what is happening? Doña Cristina answers me, apparently they will attack here today, put your weapon ready to shoot (without knowing that we were already surrounded). In that the first burst.

5:30 in the afternoon of July 24, 1982 the Combat began, a cloudy, sad afternoon, more than a hundred armed men against 8 Militiamen defending the Hydroelectric Dam, they yelled at us to surrender, no one surrendered, totally surrounded, they were killing one by one first to Rene, then to Zeron, then they gave Don Ramon who was next to me, then to Doña Cristina, I spoke to them believing they were alive, suddenly I feel a warmth in my body, they had shot me in the legs, I was pointing towards the hill, where they, the contras, had a rifle that only fired in bursts, without knowing that another troop of them was behind them, crossing the river, they had us completely surrounded, when I feel the heat in my body, I turn around and I look bloody, my rifle is jammed, that is, it’s jammed so I can’t shoot anymore, I yell at Aaron, Aaron hit me, stay calm, he tells me, I want to keep shooting and they hit me in the right arm, that’s The heat that I felt in my body was worse, I settled in the trench and turned over on my back, suddenly an explosion was heard, it was a grenade that was thrown at Don Lázaro and Arístides, leaving them in disarray.

I hear them coming down the hill and the others coming across the river, they get to Rene and Zeron, they kick them and they still put a knife in their necks, I see them coming towards me, they were in camouflaged uniforms, they looked new, well armed, they shouted, we will kill them, we will kill them, they approach where doña Cristina kicks her and they pass the knife to her throat, they open her shirt and cut off her busts, when they get to me, I am totally bloody, and what they What I did was hold my breath, so they would think I was dead, they kicked me, my whole body ached, I held it back, at that someone screamed, reinforcements are coming, let’s go, and they went out over the river. When they are passing in front of me I see that they are carrying Aaron, alive, naked and tied up, they found him later tortured and dead. They left for Musawas and from there they crossed the border into Honduras again.

I stayed there quietly, afraid that they would return, I don’t know if I fainted and came back, I got thirsty, I began to crawl sideways, my wounds hurt, at that moment one of the community sees that someone is moving, they took me to the chapel, they gave me first aid, then they transferred me to the Bonanza hospital, the next day they transferred me to Managua, in the Managua hospital they do the impossible to save my right arm, it had 14 holes, but they were not able to save it, they amputated it , the Doctors trying to explain the reason for the amputation to save my life, and I told them, my arm is only a little small for the lives that the 7 companions offered, they all died, only I was left alive, seeing each companion die is a pain that does not go away, it is there, it hurts, it hurts, they left children, mothers, wives, families, because of an unjust war, an imposed war, that what we were doing there was taking care of our Municipality, our Homeland. More than a hundred well armed men against 8 people. Here I am giving testimony for those 6 men and that woman who died for that imposed, harmful, unjust war against a People who love Peace.

Brenda Isabel Rocha Chacon

Comunicador/a Intercultural

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