Relanzan comisaría de la mujer en Bluefields


A la inauguración asistieron su hija Carmen Rodríguez, su hijo Lorenzo Rodríguez y Carlos González.

La mañana de éste jueves, la Policía Nacional realizó el relanzamiento de la Comisaría de la Mujer y Niñez, la cual lleva por nombre “Inspectora Juana Rodríguez Espinoza”, fallecida en el año 2006 y prestó 24 años de servicio a su institución.

El acto contó con la presencia de la jefa nacional de la Comisaría de la Mujer, Sub Comisionada Johana Plata y la Ministra de la Mujer, Jessica Leiva.

“Es el relanzamiento número 83 a nivel nacional y ha sido un exito porque contamos con la comunidad, con los líderes territoriales, como ministerio estamos al frente de las visitas y estamos para reafirmar ese compromiso de garantizar el cumplimiento de los derechos humanos”, dijo la Ministra Leiva.

Women’s police station relaunched in Bluefields

On the morning of this Thursday, the National Police carried out the relaunch of the Police Station for Women and Children, which is called “Inspector Juana Rodríguez Espinoza”, who died in 2006 and served her institution for 24 years.

The event was attended by the national head of the Women’s Police Station, Deputy Commissioner Johana Plata, and the Minister for Women, Jessica Leiva.

“It is the relaunch number 83 at the national level and it has been a success because we have the community, with the territorial leaders, as a ministry we are in charge of the visits and we are to reaffirm that commitment to guarantee the fulfillment of human rights,” he said Minister Leiva.

Mrs. Carmen Rodríguez, thanked the Public Order Institution for always having her mother present, “I feel very moved and grateful with the institution to which she gave a large part of her life, of her youth and in later years. tough (the 80s), he did his duty and now we feel honored with this decision to put his name on it, “said Rodríguez.

Comunicador/a Intercultural

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