Fuerza Naval brinda protección a flota pesquera y comercial


La Fuerza Naval brindó protección, seguridad e inspección a embarcaciones y flota pesquera industrial que zarparon en los principales puertos marítimos, lacustres y fluviales, haciendo valer las leyes y regulaciones de nuestro país.

De acuerdo con una nota de prensa, se atendieron 12 buques mercantes, contribuyendo de esta forma a la exportación de 28,967 toneladas métricas de mercadería en general.

Además, se importaron 19,447 toneladas métricas de mercadería en general; 63,333 barriles de diésel; 5,000 toneladas métricas de fertilizante; 240.268 toneladas métricas de sustancia para demolición; 3,636 toneladas métricas de gas licuado y 645 vehículos.

Así mismo, se brindó protección y seguridad a 6 barcos de la flota pesquera industrial, contribuyendo a la producción de 26,770 libras de producto marino.

La nota señala que también se atendieron 2 buques mercantes con 264.139 toneladas métricas de mercadería de importación y 530.977 toneladas de mercadería de exportación. Además, 1 buque tanque con 4,416 barriles de diésel, 527 barriles de gasolina y 2,545 barriles de bunker. Asimismo, a 32 barcos de cabotaje con 610 toneladas métricas de mercadería con destino a los puertos El Bluff, Cayos Miskitos, Bluefields y Corn Island.

De igual manera, se recepcionaron 23 barcos de la flota pesquera industrial, aportando a la producción de 17,320 libras de producto marino.

Naval Force provides protection to fishing and commercial fleet

The Naval Force provided protection, security and inspection to vessels and industrial fishing fleet that set sail in the main sea, lake and river ports, enforcing the laws and regulations of our country.

According to a press release, 12 merchant ships were served, thus contributing to the export of 28,967 metric tons of merchandise in general.

In addition, 19,447 metric tons of general merchandise were imported; 63,333 barrels of diesel; 5,000 metric tons of fertilizer; 240,268 metric tons of substance for demolition; 3,636 metric tons of liquefied gas and 645 vehicles.

Likewise, protection and security were provided to 6 vessels of the industrial fishing fleet, contributing to the production of 26,770 pounds of marine product.

The note indicates that 2 merchant ships were also served with 264,139 metric tons of imported merchandise and 530,977 tons of export merchandise. In addition, 1 tanker with 4,416 barrels of diesel, 527 barrels of gasoline and 2,545 bunker barrels. Also, 32 coastal vessels with 610 metric tons of merchandise destined for the ports of El Bluff, Miskitos Cays, Bluefields and Corn Island.

Similarly, 23 vessels from the industrial fishing fleet were received, contributing to the production of 17,320 pounds of marine product.

Lake surveillance

The Naval Detachment of Inland Waters «Commander Hilario Sánchez Vásquez», served 519 ferries and boats in the Xolotlán, Cocibolca and Río San Juan lakes.

In Moyogalpa, Ometepe Island, 120 freight ferries with 3,900 passengers, with a water route to the port of San Jorge, Rivas department.

In San Jorge, 96 cargo ferries with 5,097 passengers were served with the San Jorge-Ometepe Island water route and in San Carlos, department of Río San Juan, 303 boats with 4,641 passengers, whose vessels cover the routes San Carlos – El Castillo – San Juan de Nicaragua.

Forces and means of the Naval Force were used, in addition the military personnel complied with the protection measures directed by the Ministry of Health (MINSA), to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Comunicador/a Intercultural

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